
第105章 GPF 结束【1 / 2】


【记者】after the youth championships, it will be the all championships in a few days will you participate in the all championships



【翻译人员】i probably won"t participate in the all championships because i had some physical problems during my previous practice, so i may focus on cultivation and prepare for the four continents



【记者】currently, who is the most promising young women"s singles player in the domestic youth group to participate in the world youth championships



【翻译人员】i think everyone has a chance to participate in the world youth championship, after all, everyone is a strong player who never panics on the international stage






羊x:花样滑冰 大奖赛总决赛


金牌 江嘉禾 总分 30553

银牌 韩晓玥 总分 26513

铜牌 井上瞳 总分 25425

第四名 金冠儿 总分 22310

第五名 梁琪琪 总分22021

第六名 高施羽 总分 21530












\"jiang jiahe, a china athlete, won the gold medal in women"s singles at the grand prix of figure skating\"




\"next, let"s invite the general director in charge of this petition to present medals and certificates of honor to the award-winning athletes\"
