
第9章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续1【4 / 12】


for i must tell you it will be very difficult to gain permission for a little girl like you to enter the palace”


“oh, yes;

但是我会很容易就得到许可的,” 格尔达说,“因为当凯听到我在这里,他会马上出来把我接进去的。”

but i shall gain permission easily,” said gerda, “for when kay hears that i am here, he will e out and fetch me in immediately”

“在这栅栏这儿等我,” 乌鸦说,边说边摇着头飞走了。

“wait for me here by the palings,” said the crow, wagging his head as he flew away


it was late in the evening before the crow returned

“呱,呱,” 他说,“她向你问好,这是她从厨房给你拿的一个小面包卷;

“caw, caw,” he said, “she sends you greeting, and here is a little roll which she took from the kitchen for you;


there is plenty of bread there, and she thinks you must be hungry


it is not possible for you to enter the palace by the front entrance


the guards in silver uniform and the servants in gold livery would not allow it


but do not cry, we will manage to get you in;


my sweetheart knows a little back - staircase that leads to the sleeping apartments, and she knows where to find the key”


then they went into the garden through the great avenue, where the leaves were falling one after another, and they could see the light in the palace being put out in the same manner


and the crow led little gerda to the back door, which stood ajar


oh! how little gerda’s heart beat with anxiety and longing;


it was just as if she were going to do something 错事,and yet she only wanted to know where little kay was

“一定是他,” 她想,“有着那样清澈的眼睛和长长的头发。”

“it must be he,” she thought, “with those clear eyes, and that long hair”


she could fancy she saw him smiling at her, as he used to at home, when they sat among the roses


he would certainly be glad to see her, and to hear what a long distance she had e for his sake, and to know how sorry they had been at home because he did not e back


oh what joy and yet fear she felt! they were now on the stairs, and in a small closet at the top a lamp was burning


in the middle of the floor stood the tame crow, turning her head from side to side, and gazing at gerda, who curtseyed as her grandmother had taught her to do

“我的未婚夫对你评价非常高,我的小姑娘,” 温顺的乌鸦说,“你的生平经历,可以这么说,非常感人。

“my betrothed has spoken so very highly of you, my little lady,” said the tame crow, “your life - history, vita, as it may be called, is very touching


if you will take the lamp i will walk before you


we will go straight along this way, then we shall meet no one”

“我觉得好像有人在我们后面,” 格尔达说,因为有个像墙上的影子一样的东西从她身边掠过,然后长着飞扬的鬃毛和细腿的马、猎人、骑马的女士和先生们像墙上的影子一样从她身边滑过。

“it seems to me as if somebody were behind us,” said gerda, as something rushed by her like a shadow on the wall, and then horses with flying manes and thin legs, hunters, ladies and gentlemen on horseback, glided by her, like shadows on the wall

“它们只是梦,” 乌鸦说,“它们是来取大人物们外出打猎的思绪的。”

“they are only dreams,” said the crow, “they are ing to fetch the thoughts of the great people out hunting”


“all the better, for we shall be able to look at them in their beds more safely


i hope that when you rise to honor and favor, you will show a grateful heart”

“你完全可以放心。” 森林里来的乌鸦说。

“you may be quite sure of that,” said the crow from the forest
