she knew gerda directly, and gerda remembered her:
it was a joyful meeting
“你这样到处闲逛可真是个不错的家伙,” 她对小凯说,“我倒想知道你是否值得有人到世界尽头去找你。”
“you are a fine fellow to go gadding about in this way,” said she to little kay, “i should like to know whether you deserve that any one should go to the end of the world to find you”
but gerda patted her cheeks, and asked after the prince and princess
“他们到国外去了,” 强盗女孩说。
“they are gone to foreign countries,” said the robber - girl
“and the crow”
asked gerda
“哦,乌鸦死了,” 她回答说;
“oh, the crow is dead,” she replied;
“his tame sweetheart is now a widow, and wears a bit of black worsted round her leg
she mourns very pitifully, but it is all stuff
but now tell me how you managed to get him back”
then gerda and kay told her all about it
“咔嚓,咔嚓,陷阱!最终一切都很好,” 强盗女孩说。
“snip, snap, snare! it’s all right at last,” said the robber - girl
then she took both their hands, and promised that if ever she should pass through the town, she would call and pay them a visit
and then she rode away into the wide world
but gerda and kay went hand - in - hand towards home;
and as they advanced, spring appeared more lovely with its green verdure and its beautiful flowers
very soon they recognized the large town where they lived, and the tall steeples of the churches, in which the sweet bells were ringing a merry peal as they entered it, and found their way to their grandmother’s door
they went upstairs into the little room, where all looked just as it used to do
the old clock was going “tick, tick,” and the hands pointed to the time of day, but as they passed through the door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up, and bee a man and woman
the roses out on the roof were in full bloom, and peeped in at the window;
and there stood the little chairs, on which they had sat when children;
and kay and gerda seated themselves each on their own chair, and held each other by the hand, while the cold empty grandeur of the snow queen’s palace vanished from their memories like a painful dream
the grandmother sat in god’s bright sunshine, and she read aloud from the bible, “except ye bee as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of god”
and kay and gerda looked into each other’s eyes, and all at once understood the words of the old song,
“roses bloom and cease to be,
but we shall the christ - child see”
and they both sat there, grown up, yet children at heart;
此时是夏天 —— 温暖、美丽的夏天。
and it was summer, — warm, beautiful summer